Saturday, September 1, 2007

ya so i didn really meet kailin just now. cos i was like really tired and about to sleep. and she wanted to go shopping and i just did yesterday so ya. woke up around 9 and just nice vic called me to watch movie. again. haha.

so i went down to town. met kailin and jo first for a while. saw fuck lots of ppl i haven seen in ages. waited for vic to come then went to watch 1408. met xiao yu after that. and decided to watch another movie with vic lol. went to watch no reservations this time. so basically in 2 days we watched 1 comedy 1 horror and 1 romance. watch a action film later and we've competed the set.

had some problems with ian. =(
my dad says a smart person will avoid trouble whenever he can. then why do i feel so gay instead of feeling smart. argh. ive changed alot. positive to the world but negative to myself. i mean really. old me was like how different. today would have been very different if i haven changed. sigh. i think old me would be making fun of new me if they met each other. i think im having an identity crisis =( no idea what that really means but i think im using it correctly lol.

i guess its when you remember how good your life used to be that you realise how much your life sucks now.

~andrew is busy hating himself right now~

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