ah... its a new life so a new blog to go with it.
anyway im your standard no life loser now. i mean really everyday is school project and sleep.. yes im the kind of person old me wouldn even bother talking to.
life is interesting aint it.
anyway. yesterday was my last day of exams ~ finally. gone are the days of 10 hour mugging through the night everyday. went out with the class after the paper ended. you the kind of feeling where you just feel like walking off? ya thats how it feels. so ya just ate a quick lunch and faster cabbed home with liting.
reached home around 3pm and slept all the way to 3am. fucking hell couldn sleep after that. so ya i just stayed up watch whatever came up on tvee. went to meet vic darling at town around 2 plus. haven met her in like goodness how long. missed her lots. went to watch evans almighty. went shopping a lil. bought white skinnys.
waited for shit to arrive at town then vic darling went off. went to shop a bit more then went off to meet kailin for dinner. kinda was 1 1/2 hours late. know why? cos i was waiting at the wrong bustop =x fuck la waste my time.
ate. talked. i missed her more. aha. had to leave at 11. i was already sleep walking by that time.
anyways after a packed yesterday my today is like totally empty la wth. maybe gonna meet kailin later. maybe going clubbing with vic on sat. i guess i'll see how.
shit la.
you know this holidays i like planned out everything. like. 3 main aims.
-get healthier
-get richer
-get fitter
ya was gonna spend my whole hols working and not going out at all la. and was gonna stop smoking. and stop clubbing. and stop drinking. and go gym 3 times a week. now is like. everythings gone already. argh shit. BAD INFLEUNCES! KAILIN YOURE SUCH A BAD INFLEUNCE! MAKING ME SPEND SO MUCH MONEY.